Deforestation phone outreach

October 04, 2017 at 5:45pm - 7:45pm
Wilderness Society Brisbane office
67 Boundary St
West End, QLD 4101
Google map and directions
Kaine Johnson · · 0499 092 565

There is a deforestation crisis in QLD killing our wildlife, damaging our reef, and contributing to climate change, but together we can stop it! When people learn about this issue they are outraged and demand change...and that's our tell them.

We will be coming together at the Wilderness Society Brisbane office to call people in the areas of Mount Ommaney and Mansfield every Wednesday night, and we need your help. Training and resources will be provided and we promise you will have fun, meet new friends, and really feel like you have contributed to positive change, because you will have. Your team leaders are all experienced door knockers and will be there to guide and mentor you.

We will meet at the office at 5:45 pm (it's okay if you need to be a little later), have something to eat and run through some training together and then hit the phones to change the world :) We will then come back together for a debrief at about 7:30pm and will call it a night at 7:45pm. 

These sessions are a great way for anyone to make a contribution, no matter your age or experience. We can't wait to see you there!

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact Lead Organiser Kaine Johnson on 0499 092 565.


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