Deforestation Petition Delivery

Deforestation is Queensland's biggest unseen environmental crisis. RSVP using the form on the right to join our action delivering a petition to Queensland's Parliament.

An area of forest and bushland the size of the Gabba stadium is bulldozed every 3 minutes killing wildlife, trashing our rivers and and Great Barrier Reef and is terrible for climate change. 

We used to have laws that worked! Sadly those laws were scrapped under the previous Newman LNP Government and now millions of animals, like the koala, are being killed every year. 

Join us to hand deliver petitions to the Queensland Government and Opposition on Wednesday 11th October saying that we need action now. 

WHAT: Deforestation petition delivery

WHEN: Wednesday 11th October, 11am

WHERE: Queensland Parliament House, Brisbane CBD

We will we delivering petitions and asking Members of Parliament to sign a pledge saying they will work to bring in strong laws to fix this problem once and for all. 

October 11, 2017 at 11:00am - 12pm
Parliament House Brisbane
Corner George and Alice Streets
Brisbane City, Queensland 4000
Google map and directions
Gemma Plesman · · 0423044431
Cooper King Nick Redmond Aliya Kumekbayera Samuel O'Brien

Will you come?