Alcoa Pinjarra Protest

February 13, 2025 at 11:00am - 2pm
Alcoa Bindjareb Office
808 Pinjarra Rd
Pinjarra, WA 6208
Google map and directions
Nick Doyle ·

Bauxite miners Alcoa have been strip-mining the jarrah forests for 60 years, through deforestation loopholes in environment laws, without any public scrutiny and without Noongar Traditional Owner’s free, prior and informed consent. 

They now have massive expansion plans to destroy more vast swathes of jarrah forest, while toxic dust from their refinery puts the health of local Pinjarra residents in jeopardy. 

None of Alcoa's rehabilitation meets government standards and is simply greenwashing a destructive industry, whose reckless mining is destroying forests, pushing wildlife to extinction and threatening our community's health and water supplies.  

Join us and the End Forest Mining Alliance to let Alcoa and the Labor Government know that as long as the health of our communities and forest are at stake, no amount of greenwashing will make up for the destruction Alcoa is causing!  


After the protest you will have the opportunity to participate in a guided tour of an area overlooking Alcoa's refinery at Oakley Dam. Please bring comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen, and food & water if you wish to participate. 


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