Reimagining Tourism Opportunities in the Northern Jarrah Forest- Report Launch & Community Forum

February 18, 2025 at 11:00am - 12:30pm
Dwellingup Trails and Visitor Centre
Marrinup Street
Dwellingup , WA 6213
Google map and directions
Nick Doyle · · 0483148521

The Wilderness Society is launching a Curtin University report on nature-based tourism opportunities in WA's Northern Jarrah Forests with a community forum in Dwellingup. 

This event will showcase the tourism potential of the Northern Jarrah Forest and will explore opportunities for nature-based activities like hiking, mountain biking, and cultural tours. 

Hear from expert speakers on the environmental, cultural, and economic benefits of preserving WA's precious natural landscapes and have your say on the tourism opportunities that you would like to see in this world-class biodiversity hotspot.  


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